I stayed at home, as usual, lying in bed and watching some episodes from House. Both my parents and sister were out today and so I had to take care of my bro's lunch. I remember watching one of Aeri's Kitchen videos on Youtube, and she made this Gochujang Spagetti that looks really yummy. Since I had leftover cooked pasta and Gochujang sauce, I decided to give it go with a little twist in it.
It turned out pretty good. I like the flavour very much, but too bad I did not put enough sauce in it, if not it would be perfect!! It was amazing that my lil bro was quite satisfied with it, given that he's a picky eater and also didn't quite fancy the idea of putting Gochujang sauce into his meal!
Glad that I've learned another way of cooking pasta :) and hoping to learned more recipes!
Well that's about it! I better start planning this new year's resolutions. Goals await!
Lotsa love,