Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Little D's surprise

In my previous post, I mentioned that one of the best parts of working with children with Autism is that we get to witness the little changes that they've made through our guidance and teachings. Well, I took "little D" today and he did something that made my jaw dropped like literally.

I was carrying out my session by doing some reinforcer development; the target was to promote a Domino video. And that particular video consists of a cartoon character that is widely known to all, the minion from Despicable Me. I was writing the log book(daily report to the parents), while "little D" was watching that video and all of a sudden he looked at me, point towards the computer screen and say the word "minion". I was really shocked at that moment as this boy is non-verbal(but makes random sounds) and he usually would not initiate and maintain eye contact.

My shocked expression turned into happiness as it came to my realization that this boy was gaining my attention to share something that he knows / he likes! This could mean that he trusts me and accepts me as his friend! Ah, What a joy! :)  I hope I get to experienced more of these shocking but wonderful moments!

Thanks for making my day "little D"! *winks*


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